Cat Digestive System: A Closer Look at How It Works - a collaboration with Great Pet Care - The Meowing Vet

Cat Digestive System: A Closer Look at How It Works – a collaboration with Great Pet Care

If your sleep is being disturbed by the sound of your cat about to vomit on the carpet, or if youโ€™re a pet parent who wants to optimize your catโ€™s digestive health, this article is for you! THE MEOWING VET and great pet care explain the anatomy and actions of the cat digestive system as … Continue reading Cat Digestive System: A Closer Look at How It Works – a collaboration with Great Pet Care

Disease Spotlight: Parvovirus - The Meowing Vet

Disease Spotlight: Canine Parvovirus

Nothing is more pitiful than seeing our fur-babies ill. Canine parvovirus is a highly contagious virus that can infect puppies and adult dogs, potentially causing severe disease. In honor of National Immunization Awareness Month,ย The Meowing Vet explains the ins-and-outs of parvovirus (seriously, it causes terrible vomiting and diarrhea, so thereโ€™s a lot of โ€œoutsโ€ ๐Ÿ’ฉ). … Continue reading Disease Spotlight: Canine Parvovirus